Thursday, January 15, 2009

together , we're everything =D .

still remember the song ' wo niu ' ?
for some of us, i bet we wont 4get for the rest of our life ..
together, we laugh..we cry..we scold by tom ang ..
from happiness to hatreds, wud else do we need?
2 years already.. kinda fast huh ... ?
to my drama frens out there :
i enjoy time spent with u all..
what a wonderful time in chung ling =D .

时间过了, 走了, 全都不同了.. 每个人也变了...... 吗 ?
how u think about that?


we know its true, but we choose to ignore it regardless..
memories r there, bt still we hv to face the fact ..
appreciate what we have than to be emo like the * someone *..
but cheer la, mind my word,
《 塞翁失马 , 焉知非福 》
dont be so sad okay..

all the best to everyone .

就算失去了全世界, 至少还有我

thursday,january 15,2009